Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Hello dear readers!

It’s been a while since I last posted… like... a MONTH D: ehhh….. sorry about that, finals have started and things are pretty hectic D: UGH! I’M GONNA DIE! Okay maybe not really but yeah…. <<

Anyways, before things get really crazy with finals…. Which they already are ahahahaha… I’ll update with an animation that I did for my P&P (Practices and Principles) class. This was sort of a “group” project where each of us had to create an animation based on the circle…… it had to be at the same spot at the beginning and the ending of it. I like it because it’s simple.

Also, because I’m feeling nice….. I’m putting up a drawing of a princess! I made her based off one of the characters I had to create for the final for my Design class. We have to create a pair of characters for it and she was part of one of them. The prof didn’t pick this one though ): even if it’s my favourite for now…. You’ll see the pair that was chosen in the end after I’m done!

 And now I’ll go and do my homework before catching some sleep! Photobucket


1 comment:

  1. I still like the anijiji and the spit out shoe XD
    As for the princess, it's a shame she didn't get selected and I love the way you coloured her. The ribbon sash thing is really pretty and awesome.
